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Research Findings

Research findings from Creative Entrepreneurs Survey 1, completed by 32 participants working in the following fields:

  • Fashion, Clothing, Retail
  • Graphic/Web design, Videography, Photography
  • Media (acting, content, writing, etc) and textile art
  • Social Media & Management
  • Music
  • IT
  • Production
  • Others

The main objective of the survey was to gather information about how the pandemic affected creative entrepreneurs in different countries and if they are familiar with circular economy practices.

The survey was structured in 4 parts with each part having with a specific purpose:

1. The first part aimed at assessing the impact on the pandemic on Creative entrepreneurs. The highlights of the responses are as follows:

  • 25% of the respondents agree that the business was prepared for the pandemic. However, 44% disagree
  • 34% of the respondents agree that the business was not affected by the pandemic 41% disagree with this
  • 53% of the respondents agree that they could switch to online business easily 28% disagree
  • 25% of the respondents agree that the Government reacted promptly and offered adequate help and support 34% disagree
  • 38% of the respondents agree that online workshops were available to help with the business 38% of the respondents disagree
  • 22% of the respondents agree that creative entrepreneurs organized support among themselves  37% of the respondents disagree
  • 22% of the respondents agree that circular economic/sustainable practices helped during the pandemic 41% do not agree
  • 25% of the respondents agree that the local government assistance and financial support was available 47% disagree with this
  • 34% of the respondents agree that the National government assistance and financial support was available 47% disagree with this
  • 34% of the respondents agree that the other assistance and financial support was available 44% disagree with this
  • 25% of the respondents agree that customers stopped using the services and struggled to bring them back 41% disagree
  • 62% of the respondents agree that they are still active creative entrepreneurs 6% are not active anymore
  • 47% of the respondents agree that prefer working in person rather than online 31% do not prefer that

The need for the Circular Creatives project is ascertained from the facts that:

  • More respondents disagreeing that a) they were prepared for the pandemic and b) the business was not affected by pandemic.
  • More respondents disagreeing that the financial support was available (locally, nationally and otherwise).
  • 41% of the respondents disagreeing that circular practices helped them. This clearly shows the lack of awareness and education.
  • The positive aspect is 62% of the participants are still active as entrepreneurs, which gives a huge opportunity.

2. The second part aimed at capturing the circular practices and preferences of the respondents. The highlights of the responses are as follows:

  • 56% of the respondents agree that the main objective of their work is to live and have a purpose not to build wealth
  • 41% agree that waste material in their work is of creative use
  • 50% agree that sustainability is an important factor in their work
  • 50% can often use discarded goods
  • 50% share their creative resources (e.g. materials etc) with other businesses
  • 59% re-use materials more often than not
  • 41% do not use resources with pollutants/that cause pollution
  • 66% try to find time to spend in nature as part of their work
  • 44% try to live ‘zero waste’
  • 44% are familiar with the circular economy and incorporate it in daily work

All these responses indicate a significant majority over the responses that are not in the affirmative, which shows an impressive level of inclination to sustainable circular practices among the creative entrepreneurs in Germany.

3. The third part assesses the VET system and how it helps the Creative Entrepreneurs in generating awareness on circular economy and circular practices.

  • 31% disagree that the VET School a mechanism for ensuring a skilled workforce that can thrive in and scale up the circular economy
  • 41% disagree that VET School collaborate with industry to advance knowledge on the circular economy. However 50% agree as well.
  • 31% disagree that the VET School encourages the development of basic circular economy skills
  • 28% disagree that there is a circular economy platform in your VET School

These responses presents a strong case validating the inadequacy of the VET system in Germany, in terms of preparedness or alignment with the needs of circular creatives.

4. The fourth part captures the entrepreneurs’ preferences in terms of networking, access to resources and business development.

  • A good 88% would like to meet other creative entrepreneurs and create networks
  • 63% of the respondents would like to meet local policy makers and influence policies on sustainability, the arts and entrepreneurship
  • 72% would like to have access to resources that educate them on ways to implement the circular economy in practice/business
  • Not surprisingly 91% of the respondents would like to find new business opportunities.

These responses support our project’s initiatives of exploratory discussions and the marketplace events that are to e executed on a larger scale.

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